Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Dublin Leg

We had just a few hours in Dublin before an early morning flight. So after a quick reccy around the Temple Bar area and the river Liffey,

I left David taking photos at Trinity College and went off for a wander.

When we met up I made him take photos to back up the story I have enjoyed telling since my last visit to Dublin. Scroll down the next four photos from around Dublin streets and tell me what they have in common.

Have you noticed anything yet?
Well have a look at the next photo just for fun (we chose not to have dinner there), go back up and look at the statues again. Seen the commonality yet?

Well I am not sure whether the Irish are economisers like the Scots or if they just think some body parts don’t count as much as others…….the statues all use the same leg mold!

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