Thursday, August 23, 2007

And off we go to Finland

We set off in the early hours of Monday in the tipping rain to catch our flight and were amazed to be stuck in traffic around the airport at 5.30 am. There are a lot of early flights from Dublin.

After working our way through security, and deciding we wouldn’t buy Ryan Air food, we decided we had just enough time for an Irish breakfast before takeoff. They leave the English breakfast for dead; Irish sausage, white pudding, black pudding, bacon, mushroom, potato farls, egg and tomato.

Whew – we slept well on the flight!

And when we got to Tampere it was ………………..SUNNY!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!

We picked up our rental car, a wee Nissan Micra (approx size and power of a sewing machine) took off a few layers of clothing, and set off. It was a white knuckle ride as we took turns driving and attempting to kill each other by looking or driving the wrong way while getting used to the RHS again.

For those tracking us on google earth we flew into Tampere and drove to Orismala in Western Finland where we are staying with David’s aunt and uncle in their typical Finnish country house. Note the house photo below was taken by David a couple of years ago later into autumn. Will update soon.

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