Sunday, July 29, 2007

This week in Aberdeen………

My concern about Aberdeen was that I would be bored. Turns out I have had so much on I didn’t get to blogging all week.

Some activities will be the subject of little pieces on their own, to summarise those not captured by the camera either because it was too wet or because the cameraman (David of course!) was busy with his day job ……..

Last Sunday we did a long walk along the river Dee to Duthie Park where we managed to stay out the worst of the weather in the Wintergardens.

Monday, I have discovered the wonders of the fantastic new sports facility here on the campus and have been working out and swimming everyday since.

David discovered the joy of the Oddbins free whiskey tasting sessions which they hold every Monday from 6 – 8pm. I don’t much like whiskey so left him to wobble home on the bus on his own J

Tuesday while David was at work I spent out in the Hilton woods as a volunteer on the Aberdeen Countryside project. A really nice way to get outdoors (they supplied rain gear and hot drinks) and do some physical work. My body seems to like that stuff and the people were interesting as well. Had imagined it might be old people with time on their hands (like me J) but some were younger, two doctors who go out one day per week as volunteers but otherwise have very responsible jobs etc. There were fivc men in the group. Two Gordon's an Iain, an Alastair and a Duncan!!

Wednesday we both enjoyed a trip to the local arthouse cinema to watch a movie made by two local lads. Low budget but gripping. It had just been well received at the Edinburgh film festival. I doubt it will make it too much further afield but I think the two guys certainly have what it takes and will be able to make good cases for future better budget funding.

Thursday I went into Macaulay for a people and planning workshop being held as part of a geographers conference. Some really interesting stuff and some I think useful for a client at home.

Friday I went into SCARF. It is like a bigger Community Energy Action and stands for Save Costs and Reduce Fuel. I spent a couple of hours their with their CE and am going to go back this coming week for a longer visit so will blog more on that another time.

Yesterday we went on a big exploring day of whiskey and castles – also the subject of another blog.

Some of you have been saying that you couldn’t post comments – I think I have managed to fix that now so feel free (within reason!!!)

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