Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Final tidbits from Scotland

As we depart Scotland I am prompted to jot down some last impressions

Oatmeal – they put it in everything. On our last day in Edinburgh we had a final bowl of Cullen skink, followed by haggis, neeps and tatties (haggis =various sheep parts minced up with oatmeal, neeps = ‘bashed’ turnips and tatties of course was potato). And more oatmeal for dessert – oatmeal, whisky and apple cake for me and Crannochie for David. Crannochie is a big berry sundae thing served in a parfait glass and has oatmeal in it!

Relationship with the English
The Scots do not seem to have the friendly banter and rivalry with the English that the NZ’ers and Aussies have with each other. Lack of love for the English was referenced in many ways and also present in the jointly placed symbols of the thistle and the fleur de lys on many buildings. The thistle is the Scottish national flower and Fleur de lys is the French one. Jointly placed on buildings (see below) they represent the oldest political pact still in existence and built on the Scottish and the French shared hatred of the English.

Twenty’s Plenty
Martin would be happy that no-one drives very fast and around many suburban streets there are signs like this.

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