Thursday, July 19, 2007

In which we discover what Christopher Robin does in the mornings……

The time has come to reveal that David is actually doing proper grown up working things on this trip and has expressed concern that ‘selective’ reporting of events has, thus far, made no reference to this very important fact.

While in London he had meetings with fellow geophysicists and attended and presented at the International Crime Science Conference held at the British Library for two of the days we were there.

For the uninitiated geophysics meets forensics at the level of ground penetrating radar and other geophysical techniques that can image what is underground in much the same way as a cat scan can reveal what is inside the body…. useful for example, in finding buried bodies or weapons.

Now we are in Aberdeen where he is a guest of the Macaulay Institute. They have a desk and computer set up for him there and have arranged accommodation for us at a neighbouring university (Robert Gordon University)

So please don’t let the party boy rumour spread ok!!! Jennifer

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