Saturday, September 1, 2007

What next?

Leaving Orismala marked the half way mark of this trip. In terms of David’s sabbatical there were three main themes; conferences (London and Istanbul) collaboration with colleagues on particular projects (Aberdeen, Belfast, Nice) and writing up a backlog of research into hopefully publishable papers (sitting quietly writing in two spells in rural Finland).

While the latter was productive it wasn’t as productive as it could have been and also placed a bit of stress on everyone really due to language difficulties and cultural differences.

I had always intended to do something else during that second part of September and David decided that if I could find somewhere to stay near Nice / Antibes he would be happy to stay on and work from there. I did not need a second invitation!!

So the plan is to travel to Nice on Friday, stay in the place the university has arranged for us, then move into a self catering apartment in Cannes until we go to Canada on Oct 2nd. David will put his head down and write and I will also attempt to get a write up done of the various energy efficiency visits tours I did in Scotland, Ireland and Finland. It won’t take all that long but I have no doubt that I can keep myself amused in such a place!

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