Sunday, September 2, 2007

The blue mosque

After refreshing ourselves with a bite of lunch and a short nap we headed back out, this time to see the blue mosque. Considered the modern mecca, it is really a splendid building.

Very ornate inside with carpet especially patterned with places for each person to stand to face mecca (note the darker red spots, one for each foot)
Didn’t quite get to understand where Mecca is if this mosque is now mecca. Maybe, like heaven and nirvana, it is always just out of reach?

The doors have five knobs to remind people to pray five times per day. And I must say the call to prayer that rings out across the city from all the mosques five times per day is as clockwork as a German train - only far more moving.

It just so happened that the day we visited was a special holiday so these children from the old Ottoman family were dressed in their finery.

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