Monday, September 3, 2007

Ali Barber

Monday morning arrived and Ali Pasha went off to his conference, departing with instructions for me to find Ali Barber or he was going to take to me with the number 6 comb on his razor.

After the first half dozen places I found turned me down because they only did men’s cuts I found a really nice place and for 15YTL had tea, style cut and blow wave from someone who had clearly been well trained.

I don’t if the resulting length turned out all that different from the number 6 razor comb, but it is a good short cut and very easy to wear in a hot climate (and will be good for swimming on the Riveria next week :)

I also realised that I knew far more Turks than I supposed.

Wouldn’t you know it, Ali Barber turned out to have been a cousin of Ali Carpet (though we couldn’t be completely sure that it was the same Ali Carpet I knew because carpet is a common name in Turkey).

And as I walked around I encountered many old friends form the carpet shop yesterday, as well as some friends of friends who were secretly glad that we hadn’t managed to find the carpet we wanted, because they themselves had just the thing at their carpet shop.

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