Tuesday, September 18, 2007

17 September

With no family or friends around, David decided he would like to celebrate his birthday by going into Cannes for lunch and a looksee.

We had a SPLENDID time wandering around looking at the festival centre, boats, foreshore, shops etc, and it was it was getting on for 3pm by the time we stopped for lunch.

David has taken somewhat of a shine to moules et frites since we have been en Provence. As you can see is a big plate of mussels with a side of fries. And of course it needs the accompaniment of plenty of wine and, being a celebration, a dessert of profiteroles in chocolate sauce to follow.

By the time we got through all that, had a bit more of a wander /waddle, and got home again we wanted only a simple dinner of mango, nectarines and grapes and a little wine and goat cheese.

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