Friday, August 10, 2007


I had it in my head that I really needed to try skirlie before we left the North East of Scotland (tomorrow).

Unless it is served to you at a restaurant the place to buy skirlie is the butchers shop. I trotted off to Laidlaws who are supposed to make the best skirlie and bought a bag. Ingredients; oatmeal, suet, onion, salt and pepper.

I did exactly as instructed which was to put it in the pan with no oil or anything and toss it about for a few minutes.

The result was scorching hot drippy oatmeal. Reasonably tasty but so rich you need only a spoonful. I had cooked too much and thought I would put it aside for later. But within a few minutes of cooling down it had set rock hard. Solid congealed fat!

I’m over it now and at least I can say I tried it.

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