Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Second to none

And now for the dancing; sword dances, jigs, reels, hornpipes and of course the highland fling.

We couldn’t help noticing that the while heavy eventers were sponsored by Glenfiddich whisky, and the pipers chugged beer any time they weren’t playing, the dancers were sponsored by Walkers shortbread biscuits which they washed down with soft drinks.

I commented on to it to our host and told him that no parish picnic or village fete would be complete without some kind of baking competition whereas here there was factory made shortbread (which is not to cast aspersions on the delicious shortbread for which Scotland is famous!).
We riffed a bit on the topic of how seriously people take baking. I told tall tales and true of federated farmers wives bending each others pikelets and the like, but couldn't beat his story which had just made the evening news.

Jenny Brown, 62, entered her Victoria Sponge into a cake competition and was initially delighted that she had come second. Delighted that is until her friend informed her that hers had been the only entry. The judges marked down the cake because it had indentations from a wire rack. New Zealand clearly has a lot to learn about cake competitions!!

But I digress - back to the dancing; the next three photos show just how close together everything was – note the tug of war in the background and the race in the foreground. She was an action packed day alright!

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