Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Leaving NZ / Arriving in London

After a very hectic time finishing up work we finally packed up and moved out - as far as Delle and John's! After a lovely dinner and visit and an early night we were ready for the flights to London. Singapore airlines was excellent and we arrived well prepared for our 5 hour lay over there. First stop was to take a 6hour room at the transit hotel and go straight to the rooftop for a spa and swim. This followed by a couple of hours sleep for Jen and some last minute mailing for David and we were ready for the Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt and then on to London.

Lufthansa is VERY basic - rather like flying used to be 10+ years ago with primitive entertainment and skimpy food and service. However uneventful is always good and it was at least that!

Arrived in London at 8am and got to Deb and Simon's after they had left for work and had a very welcome shower. We were determined to stay up all day so we would be on the schedule - challenging but enjoyable. Went off for a walk to Marks and Spencer's to get in a few food groups missing from Deb and Simon's respectable food establishment (coffee was a priority!) and bumped into Deb up there getting a few provisions for Simon's birthday bbq that night so shopped and wandered and came home and got it ready. Nichola and Katie joined us and Simon cooked the bbq. Eventually disgraced by falling asleep between sentences we went off to bed about 9pm.

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